tkinter is most commonly used method that Python offers multiple options for developing GUI.Python provides the Tkinter toolkit to develop GUI applications.Let’s try to implement a message encryption-decryption application according to the Vigenère cipher, which can encrypt the message using the key and can decrypt the encrypted hash using same key.
from tkinter import *
# import other necessery modules
import random
import time
import datetime
#Step2:- creating root object
root = Tk()
# defining size of window
# setting up the title of window
root.title("Message Encoding and Decoding")
#Step3:setting the frames
Tops = Frame(root, width = 1600, relief = GROOVE ,background="blue")
Tops.pack(side = TOP)
f1 = Frame(root, width = 800, height = 600, relief = GROOVE)
f1.pack(side = LEFT)
#Step4:setting Labels and their position
lblInfo = Label(Tops, font = ('helvetica', 40, 'bold'),
text = "SECRET MESSAGING \n Encoding | Decoding", background="black",
fg = "White", bd = 8, anchor='w')
lblInfo.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
#Step5: Creating 5 variable of StringVar type
rand = StringVar()
Msg = StringVar()
key = StringVar()
mode = StringVar()
Result = StringVar()
# exit function
def qExit():
# Step6:-Function to reset the window
def Reset():
#Step7:Setting reference
lblReference = Label(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'), background="black" ,fg="white",
text = "Name:", bd = 14, anchor = "w")
lblReference.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
#input Box
txtReference = Entry(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'),
textvariable = rand, bd = 8,
bg = "LemonChiffon", justify = 'right')
txtReference.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
# labels
lblMsg = Label(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'), bg="black" ,fg="white",
text = "MESSAGE", bd = 14, anchor = "w")
lblMsg.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
txtMsg = Entry(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'),
textvariable = Msg, bd = 8,
bg = "LemonChiffon", justify = 'right')
txtMsg.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
lblkey = Label(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'), bg="black" ,fg="white",
text = "KEY", bd = 14, anchor = "w")
lblkey.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
txtkey = Entry(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'),
textvariable = key, bd = 8, insertwidth = 3,
bg = "LemonChiffon", justify = 'right')
txtkey.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
lblmode = Label(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'), bg="black" ,fg="white",
text = "MODE(e for encrypt, d for decrypt)",
bd = 14, anchor = "w")
lblmode.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
txtmode = Entry(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'),
textvariable = mode, bd = 8, insertwidth = 3,
bg = "LemonChiffon", justify = 'right')
txtmode.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
lblService = Label(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'), bg="black" ,fg="white",
text = "The Result-", bd = 14, anchor = "w")
lblService.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
txtService = Entry(f1, font = ('arial', 14, 'bold'),
textvariable = Result, bd = 8, insertwidth = 4,
bg = "LemonChiffon", justify = 'right')
txtService.grid(row = 2, column = 3)
#Step8:Working of all the buttons defines here
# cipher
import base64
# Function to encode
def encode(key, clear):
enc = []
for i in range(len(clear)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
enc_c = chr((ord(clear[i]) +
ord(key_c)) % 256)
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode("".join(enc).encode()).decode()
# Function to decode
def decode(key, enc):
dec = []
#base64.urlsafe_b64decode() is function in python library (base64)
enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc).decode()
for i in range(len(enc)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
dec_c = chr((256 + ord(enc[i]) -
ord(key_c)) % 256)
return "".join(dec)
#Step9:Fetching value from input boxes.
def Ref():
print("Message= ", (Msg.get()))
clear = Msg.get()
k = key.get()
m = mode.get()
if (m == 'e'):
Result.set(encode(k, clear))
Result.set(decode(k, clear))
#Step10: Define Buttons
#Submit button
btnTotal = Button(f1, padx = 18, pady = 10, bd = 16, fg = "black",
font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), width = 10,
text = "Submit", bg ="Gold",
command = Ref).grid(row = 12, column = 1)
# Reset button
btnReset = Button(f1, padx = 18, pady = 10, bd = 16,
fg = "black", font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'),
width = 10, text = "Reset", bg = "DarkSeagreen",
command = Reset).grid(row = 12, column = 2)
# Exit button
btnExit = Button(f1, padx = 18, pady = 10, bd = 16,
fg = "black", font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'),
width = 10, text = "Exit", bg = "IndianRed",
command = qExit).grid(row = 12, column = 3)
#Step11: keeps window alive
Here the Output:
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